Bio-Fungicide BioTerra 600mL
The Bio-fungicide eliminates diseases caused by fungi. It has substances (such as saponins, silicic acid, etc.) that favor the cell structure and the plant's defenses. It is used for preventive and / or curative use. It has flavonoids and other organic acids of high biological value.
Use Bio-Fungicide to control diseases, including but not limited to:
BLACK POWDER (Sooty mold, Bold)
WHITE SPOTS (Ash, Mal Blanco, Mildew, Powdery Mildew)
ROT AND MARCHITEZ (Botrytis sp, Gray Mold, Phythopthora sp)
DARK SPOTS (Alternaria, Mottled, Septoria)
Apply directly to the area of interest (the disease)
Curative treatment: apply every 3 days
Preventive treatment: apply every 8 days
It can be applied until harvest; It does not have a use restriction, nor does it generate toxic waste
To avoid eliminating insect attacks it is recommended to use BIO-INSECTICIDE BIOTERRA