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Bio-Fungicide BioTerra 600mL

Bio-Fungicide BioTerra 600mL

SKU: 859174007175

The Bio-fungicide eliminates diseases caused by fungi. It has substances (such as saponins, silicic acid, etc.) that favor the cell structure and the plant's defenses. It is used for preventive and / or curative use.   It has flavonoids and other organic acids of high biological value.


    Use Bio-Fungicide to control diseases, including but not limited to:

    • HEIRDAS (Rust)

    • BLACK POWDER (Sooty mold, Bold)

    • WHITE SPOTS (Ash, Mal Blanco, Mildew, Powdery Mildew)

    • ROT AND MARCHITEZ (Botrytis sp, Gray Mold, Phythopthora sp)

    • DARK SPOTS (Alternaria, Mottled, Septoria)


    • Apply directly to the area of interest (the disease)

    • Curative treatment: apply every 3 days

    • Preventive treatment: apply every 8 days

    • It can be applied until harvest; It does not have a use restriction, nor does it generate toxic waste

    • To avoid eliminating insect attacks it is recommended to use BIO-INSECTICIDE BIOTERRA

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